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    在压力下制造光纤玻璃。 宾夕法尼亚州立大学,2020年12月28日 – 根据日本宾夕法尼亚州立大学和AGC Inc.的研究,用于光纤应用的硅玻璃在高压下制造时可能表现更好。研究人员证明,这样做可以减少材料中的信号损耗。 宾夕法尼亚州立大学材料科学与工程学教授约翰·毛罗(John C. Mauro)和他的团队使用分子模拟来评估加压器的使用。

    来源机构: 《光子学》 | 点击量:10907
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    II-VI sees benefits of EUV 'surge'. 01Nov2017 Production lines for carbon dioxide laser optics running at full capacity thanks to adoption of new lithography tools. Capacity ramp: carbon dioxide laser optics Diversified photonics and materials company II-VI has posted an 18per cent increase in sales, thanks in part to demand stimulated by the adoption of extreme ultraviolet (EUV) lithography in chip production. The Pittsburgh-headquartered company said that revenues in the three months...

    来源机构: 欧洲SPIE | 点击量:14756
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    Gravity-wave trio win physics Nobel. 03Oct2017 Rainer Weiss, Kip Thorne and Barry Barish recognized for 'truly remarkable' achievement. LIGO pioneers: Barish, Thorne and Weiss Three of the key scientists behind the first direct observation of gravitational waves with giant laser interferometers have won the 2017 Nobel Prize in Physics. The Nobel committee awarded half of the prize and its SEK9million ($1.1million) reward to Germany-born Rainer "Rai" Weiss from the Massachusetts Insti...

    来源机构: 欧洲SPIE | 点击量:15205
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    X-ray laser takes 3D images of lopsided viruses. Oct 5, 20172017-10-05T14:50:35+0100 Slalom course: the LCLS undulator hall Extremely bright and short-lived pulses of X-rays from a free-electron laser have been used to generate 3D images of virus particles. Unlike existing methods, the technique can be used to identify asymmetries in the structure of biological molecules and could lead to the development of drugs that target molecules whose properties cannot be studied using conven...

    来源机构: 英国物理学会 | 点击量:15050
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    12 October 2017 . In a first for wearable optics, researchers develop stretchy fiber to capture body motion. New fiber could offer safer, more reliable alternative to electrical motion sensors WASHINGTON — The exciting applications of wearable sensors have sparked a tremendous amount of research and business investment in recent years. Sensors attached to the body or integrated into clothing could allow athletes and physical therapists to monitor their progress, provide a mor...

    来源机构: 美国光学学会 | 点击量:11602
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    Ultracold molecules with electric and magnetic moments stick around. Oct 13, 20172017-10-13T15:21:45+0100 Electric and magnetic: trapping the molecules Long-lived, ultracold molecules with both magnetic and electric dipoles have been produced for the first time by researchers in the US. The sodium-lithium molecules have much longer lifetimes than ultracold molecules created previously, allowing the researchers to study them more easily. The system also provides fundamental insights ...

    来源机构: 英国物理学会 | 点击量:11296
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    激光毛化收益率太阳能的效率提升。 2011 年 10 月 26 日 SiOnyx 说,与皮秒脉冲激光毛化大大提高了硅电池效率,提高了生产均匀性。 收紧 binning SiOnyx,马萨诸塞州的公司开发的"黑硅"激光毛化过程以提高硅基于图像传感器的红外性能说相同的技术可以大大提高太阳能电池的性能。 通过与国际太阳能能源 R.协作。

    来源机构: 欧洲SPIE | 点击量:6896
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    2017 年 10 月 13 日。 光学学会宣布 2018年研究员类。 华盛顿 — — 光学社会 (OSA) 董事会很高兴地宣布,101 OSA 成员代表 19 个国家,有当选 2018 OSA 研究员类。研究员是基于几个因素,包括具体的科学、 工程和技术贡献,技术或工业领导的领域,以及为 OSA 和全球光学社区服务选择的。 "我。......

    来源机构: 美国光学学会 | 点击量:11799
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    硅光子芯片制造商。 2017 年 10 月 9 日以提高权贵的异构集成过程和制造 — — 光通信市场和更多。 权贵和 Novati:"通过"的时间他们到达的 Albuquerqe 他们会工作。 硅光子集成电路开发商权贵技术,阿尔伯克基,新墨西哥州,获得了 Novati 技术,半导体集成公司和工厂,设在德克萨斯州奥斯汀市。职权范围交易,上周关闭了,我们...

    来源机构: 国际光学工程学会 | 点击量:11343
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    A massive adoption of laser technologies for semiconductor manufacturing. A wide variety of laser technologies is today available to semiconductor manufacturers and enable the development of innovative semiconductor manufacturing processes. According to Yole Développement (Yole), the laser equipment market will grow at a 15% CAGR between 2016 and 2022 and should reach more than US$4 billion by 2022 (excluding marking). Those figures are showing the massive adoption of laser technolog...

    来源机构: 《半导体科技》 | 点击量:11009