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编译服务: COVID-19科研动态监测 编译者: zhangmin 编译时间: 2020-3-2 点击量: 27

The novel Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) is a one health issue

Aileen MariaMarty, Malcolm K.Jones

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There is a new Coronavirus causing significant to severe respiratory infections in humans, causing human misery and death. This Coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2 is alarming health organisations around the world and has already caused significant social and economic losses to China and the Asian Pacific Region, and increasingly, the Globe [1]. The virus portends to cause the loss of trillions of dollars through direct and indirect effects. This harmful viral-driven-economic damage, which has primarily hit Wuhan, Hubei Province, the economic industrial heartland of China, is compounding the effects of the recent economic slowdown in China [2].

